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The Minnard Law Firm

Minimum wage increase

Effective January 1, 2024, California’s minimum wage will increase to $16 per hour for all employers. Some cities and counties in California have a local minimum wage that is higher than the state rate. In Sacramento county, the minimum wage will track the statewide increase to $16 per hour.

Ebony Alert (SB 2)


Senator Steven Bradford sponsored this bill to address racial disparities in missing persons cases.  Senator Bradford noted that Black children are “disproportionately classified as ‘runaways’ in comparison to their white counterparts and do not receive the Amber Alert. . . “

The bill enables the California Highway Patrol to activate the new Ebony Alert upon request from local law enforcement when a Black youth or young Black woman is reported missing "under unexplained or suspicious circumstances," is considered "at risk, developmentally disabled, or cognitively impaired" or has been abducted. It applies to missing Black youth and women between the ages of 12 and 25.

Equal Pay and Anti-Retaliation Act (SB 497)

This law  makes it somewhat easier (there really is no “easy” when it comes to Plaintiff’s employment cases) for employees to establish retaliation claims in California. It amends California Labor Code Sections 98.6, 1102.5, and 1197.5 to create a rebuttable presumption of retaliation if an employer takes an adverse action against an employee within 90 days of the employee engaging in certain protected activity.

Excited delirium’ cause of death ban (AB 360)

This bill prohibits coroners, medical examiners and physicians from listing what is known as "excited delirium" as a cause of death. It also bars law enforcement from using the term in an incident report and in a court of law, the term is now considered "inadmissible."

The term became widely known in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, when Floyd was brutally held down under police officers' body weight for over nine minutes. 


Gender-neutral toys (AB 1084)

The law requires some retail stores in California to offer a “gender-neutral” section for children "regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys." 


Stores that do not comply with this law will be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $250 for a first violation or $500 for a subsequent violation, as provided.

Hate symbols penalties increase (AB 2282)

This law expands the definition of "hate symbols" to include additional symbols and locations. This includes any symbols or marks "with the intent to terrorize another person," such as Nazi symbols and nooses.


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